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২০ তম বিসিএস প্রিলিমিনারি টেস্ট (11-12-1998) || 1998

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Created: 6 years ago | Updated: 3 months ago
restrain : compose
agitate : trouble
upset : perturd
stimulate : cool down
related : halt
block : obstruct
drag : procrastinate
detain : dispatch
penury : wealth
chaos : disorder
monarchy : republic
verbosity : words
wound : heal
victim : attend
antidote : counteract
diagnosis : cure
my education will be employed by the University
employment will be given to me by the University
the University will employ me
I will be employed of the University
retain heat
bend without much difficulty
stick together
break easily
proliferating --- diminishing
undermining --- neutralizing
accelerating --- intersifying
aggravating --- demolishing
sinful --- sloth
inevitable --- desire
unnecessary --- malice
intense --- hate
stating one thing like another
description of a disagreeable thing by an agreeable name
contrast of words is made in the same sentence
a statement is made emphatic by overstatement